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미국유학미술 _ Pratt Institute 본문


미국유학미술 _ Pratt Institute

padi 2020. 1. 20. 23:24



Pratt Institute






Pratt 1887년에 Charles Pratt 의해 설립된 사립대학으로  미국에서 가장  규모의 아트 & 디자인 대학이며 현재 근무중인 교수나 강사진 들은 현재 활동중인 예술인 들로서 실전 예술을 통해 학생들의 학습에 접목하고 있습니다.Pratt 특히 Architecture 관련 분야에 강세를 보이고 있는 미국에서 해마다 10위권 안에 드는 우수한 미술 대학중의 하나입니다. Pratt 1994년에 완공된 기숙사를 비롯해 해마다 각종 편의시설을 최신식으로 정비하여 보다 편리한 생활 속에서 학생들이 학업   있도록 돕고 있고현재 3070명의 학부생과 1607명의 대학원생이 재학하고 있습니다.



입학 요건


일반전공 공부쪽 에세이랑은 다릅니다응시자에 아트적 소질과 열정을 보여주어야 합니다.


-고등학교/대학 성적 졸업 증명서


-추천서 (1-3).



Art & Design 과는 전공별로 모든 수업과 과제가 학생의 창의적 아이디어와 비쥬얼표현력감각, 기획력등을 평가를 합니다. 다양한 미술수업과 준비를 통해서 배우고 작품을 준비가 필요합니다.


*학부-TOFEL: 550, CBT: 213, IBT: 80

*대학원- TOFEL: 575, CBT: 232, IBT: 90 이상: Interior

- TOFEL: 600, CBT: 250, IBT: 100 이상: History of Art, Art and Cultural Management, Design Management, Creative Arts, Master of Professional Studies Degree in Therapy and Creativity Development, Library and Information Science

*준학사(Associate Degree)과정-2: Illustration, Graphic Design and Digital Design and Interactive Media

*건축(Architecture)*학부과정: Architecture, Construction Mgt.

*석사과정: Graduate Architecture, Arch. & Urban Design, Graduate Planning, Facilities Management

*학부과정: Art & Design Education, Art History, Communications Design, Computer Graphics & Interactive Media, Fashion Design, Fine Arts, Foundation Arts, Industrial Design, Interior Design, Media Arts

*석사과정: Art and Design Education, Arts and Cultural Management, Art History, Pratt in Venice Program Creative Arts Therapy, M.P.S. in Art Therapy, Communications/Packaging Design, Computer Graphics and Interactive Media, Design Management, Fine Arts, Industrial Design , Interior Design