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#영국 건축학교 리스트 #영국건축유학#미국건축유학#포트폴리오#파디건축유학_건축 본문


#영국 건축학교 리스트 #영국건축유학#미국건축유학#포트폴리오#파디건축유학_건축

padi 2020. 8. 27. 13:07


  • AA School of Architecture
  • Cardiff University - Welsh School of Architecture
  • Edinburgh College of Art School of Architecture
  • Glasgow School of Art - Mackintosh School of Architecture
  • Kingston University School of Architecture and Landscape
  • London Metropolitan University - Department of Architecture and Spatial Design
  • Manchester School of Architecture
  • Newcastle School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape
  • School of architecture and Civil Engineering - University of Bath
  • University of Cambridge Department of Architecture
  • University of East London - Architecture Programmes
  • University of Greenwich School of Architecture and Construction
  • University of Manchester - School of Planning and Landscape
  • Leicester School of Architecture, University of De Montfort
  • University of Sheffield School of Architecture
  • University of Strathclyde





Le design est à distinguer des arts décoratifs, expression apparue dans les années 1870 comme pendant aux beaux-arts dans la création d'objets d'art. Le design est lié à l'innovation technique, à la production en série, et à l'esthétique conte
